Sunday 22 July 2012

Theatre Design - overview

Quote from ? "a good theatre design is cross between a church and a brothel"...


Should make provision for at least a small orchestra (10-12 players) but if main use is for dramas there may never be more than a few players.
Operas & ballets may need up to 40 players, but full orchestra can be around 120 (needed for some operas).


Should make proper provision for screening films. NB. buildings designed primarily as cinemas cannot usually be used for much else but those designed for live performances are okay for showing films.


Proscenium = area of a theater surrounding the stage opening. Spectators watch the performers from 3 sides of the stage of a 'proscenium stage' or 'picture frame' theatre.
Not to be confused with a 'proscenium arch', which is the frame or arch separating the stage from the auditorium through which the action of a play is viewed.
Rake = sloped floor of auditorium or stage

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