Thursday 9 August 2012

Notes - potential ideas to explore for form

  • Processional movement, include/explore a sequence of spaces/steps/rituals applied before arriving at the final space
  • Ancient palace/temple design - moving down then up again to final inner sanctuary
  • Secret garden - what is it that appeals with this idea?, cannot see from outside, what stimulates your curiosity? Something you see from outside the walls, a large or tall landmark.
  • Layers of entry - layers of walls
    • different entrances for different people that is, NOT 'one size fits all' or 'homogeneous' but some kind of hierarchy dependent on non-social differentiation such as:
      • physical dimensions eg. height (but not 'size' per see) - such as having a lower doorway or higher doorway (why? for age?) or physical ability (eg. ramp versus steep stairway)
      • direction of entry (ie. from where the person approaches)
      • individual preference - entry obviously sloping up or down, or horizontal
      • private versus public - some people may have a 'key' for entry
      • door handles
      • do research on this aspect!
  • Human scale -  customisation of seating - the ultimate customisation is for each person to have their own seat (eg. stored seating pads on site etc, bean bags, memory foam seating) within a generic seating plan
  • Traces - elements of original theatre remain and are reused

Definite design elements

  • Theatre - medium to small sized auditorium/seating
  • Height - incorporate something very tall, ideally significantly taller than surrounding buildings
    • use remnants of the fly tower
    • a visual cue, a visual landmark when walking through the park
  • Layers of entry, concentric walls, vary the entry level - eg. walk down into the theatre
  • Auditorium cut into the landscape (slightly submerged, to correlate with the distance the Christchurch contours have moved after the earthquakes)
  • Open roof, or open air theatre
  • Vertical seating (eg. think Globe Theatre or Bouffes du Nord)
  • Elements of original building to retain in some shape or form: front facade, fly tower, seats

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